Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hope for the brokenhearted

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
And saves those who are crushed in spirit

Psalm 34:18

PixieHale Poetry

To start off I thought I would post some of the poetry that I have written since the year 2011 has started. The name I write under for my poetry is PixieHale. Hope you like it. 

"God is good"

No matter what happens, God is good
No matter how it hurts, God is good
No matter how long it takes, God is good
No matter what it is, God is good
God is good
God is good
oh yes
God is good


"I know"

I know no matter what God is holding me
I know no matter what God can get me through
I know no matter what God is always here
I know no matter what God gives me the strength I need
I know no matter what God is good
I know no matter what God is God


"I can't believe"

I can't believe I was that stupid
I can't believe I fell for it
I can't believe I let you lie
I can't believe you thought I wouldn't find out
I can't believe you tried to get away with that
I can't believe
I can't believe
I can't believe you think I'm gonna miss you
I can't believe you think you can bother me now
I can't believe you don't believe it's really over
It's over




Sometimes it's hard
Sometimes it's easy
Sometimes it's painful
Sometimes it's joyful
Sometimes I think it's more than I can take
Sometimes it's hard
Sometimes it's easy
But it's always life
and it always goes on



"The only one"

God is the only one who can fix it
The only one who can make it all better
The only one who can make me feel better
The only one who can take away the guilt
The only one who can take all the pain
The only one
The only one
The only one


"God can"
When I can't do it, God can
God can do anything and everything
God can help me through all my trails
God is my rock, the one I run to
He's the one who holds me
He's the way I get through
When I can't do it, God can.